Pipe Runs and Stand Pipes

Pipe runs and stand pipes.

Pipe runs and standpipes and often over looked as an integral part of a neat plantroom set up for your swimming pool and spa equipment. The placement and depth the pipes are layed in a trench can often determine the possible risk to accidental damage later on by other trades during the construction process or back filling or ground movement. Plant equipment layouts are our thing, with many years experience in minimising space and messy aboveground pipework. Setting up the standpipes in the exact location for the required plant is crucial to a neat and well layed out equipment instal. Also liaising with the plumber and electrician in positioning sewer point, top up water supply, overflow and electrical/data connections.Pressure testing all lines to over operating capacity is crucial to a leak free pool and spa. All our pipe runs are pressure tested upon completion and held under pressure through the rest of the building process until tiling of the pool.

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